1) Aging Well Summit: Since 2020, Cairasu has organized an educational summit, bringing together experts in the fields of brain health,healthy aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and caregiver support. The event, held in November Dementia Awareness Month, has grown from two half-day symposiums to 2020, to a full 2-day event which included a full day of caregiving training provided in partnership with the University of Wisconsin Centre for Aging Research. This day of training provided participants with a certificate of completed training which can compliment their existing state-required training.

2) Caregiver Support Scholarships: Carisu provides scholarships to unpaid caregivers in support of their own self-care as they provide stressful and challenging support for their loved one. Previous iterations of this scholarship have been able to provide $1,000 with ‘no strings attached’ to local informal caregivers, allowing the caregivers to decide for themselves how best to spend the money.

Developing now:

3) Brain Fitness and Wellness Program: The primary goal of Cairasu’s Brain Fitness and Wellness Programming is to provide individuals with an ensemble of activities designed to optimize brain health and preserve cognitive function into
old age, promoting overall wellness to older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Drop-in programming will include brain activities/exercises, low impact exercise classes (yoga, chair aerobics), and social programs (board games, music classes).


    ✓ Innovation
    ✓ Quality Services
    ✓ Education
    ✓ Diversity
    ✓ Community Partnership
    ✓ Leadership
    ✓ Advocacy
    ✓ Non-Judgemental Acceptance
    ✓ Individualization
    ✓ Empathy
    ✓ Respect